In studying Abroad, we require all documents certified (notarized) at the time of counselling. We will provide clarity to students who are in search of a defined education and career pathway. Visionplanet Australia has developed 8-steps to help international students to achieve their education goals and identify the solution one step at a time.
VPA is with you at every steps of the way:
- Seek Advice through online enquiry or face to face counselling
- Assist with Institutional information and course pathway
- VPA assessment process and interviews
- Submission of all certified documents
Our assessment will be based on evidence:-
- Copy of your passport – in colour
- Academic Transcript – High school
- Academic Transcript – Certificate, Bachelor or Master qualification
- Reference from school/college
- Resume
- Work Experience or Volunteer work placement reference
- Statement of Purpose (SOP) Why the course of study, destination you’re your defined career plan
- Marriage certificate
- English Test IELTS, PTE, OET
- Financials – Bank statement, income details from property/land etc
- Police Clearance report
- Sponsors Identification -eg pan card, passport etcSponsors relationship with the candidate