Type your paragrapFrom: Milan Kumar Karki [mailto:milan.karki@gate.edu.np]
Sent: Wednesday, 3 June 2015 12:44 AM
To: Daljit Rao – Managing Director – Visionplanet Australia
Dear Ma’am
Subject: Sharing my Experience
Greetings!!! I am very happy to share with you that me and my family were safe and physically fit. After experiencing such a mega earthquake lots of thing were changed, damaged but the feelings of helping people and providing them genuine care and personalized service is never changed. I always have one feeling in my heart and that is, Nepal is my home and all the Nepalese are my brother and sisters. With this strong feeling I started to help the people from the very second day of earthquake.
I went to Basantapur Dabar Square, Dharara as a helping hand and helped the Nepal Army to find the death body and to clean the area near over. I worked with the Nepal Army for two days and realize the people who lost their family, houses need help. I start to think what I can do for them. I shared my feelings and ideas with Khem sir and he suggested me with Hot Foods For Hungry People. This is the best way of helping earthquake victims for us because in this period of time people are lacking nutrition’s and healthy food. So I made a team of 10 students who will prepare a hot food in the college and serve the people by going to their places. We served around 250 people daily in the different places of Kathmandu Valley.
Hot Food For Hungry Campaign went very well; people were getting hot food even when they were not getting proper food. People were so happy and smiling; they forget about their pain for moments and enjoyed their food. Still when I remember those moments I got smile on my face. Though Hot Food for Hungry people went for couple of weeks but I never stop my feeling for helping the victims. So, I continued my help in a different way; start to help as a trauma relief boy. I worked with different categories of people (School children, orphan, teens and old people). I experience no. of challenges but still I keep on moving. I took every challenge as a part of learning and development of my life. Honestly, Ma’am this is the best moments of my life.
I am so happy to share these experiences with you because you always motivated me. I remember one sentence from our last conversation on Skype when I was in Doha and you were advising me on pathway education; “Milan, do your best to achieve every success, we will always be there to help you”. Whenever I feel down or demotivated I always remember of you and your beautiful words to me. Thank you so much for your motivation and encouragement. Nepali’s are blessed to have VPA establish in Nepal as we will stand to benefit with good advice and support.
With Regards
Milan Kumar Karki
Student V Semester, 11th Batch
Global Academy of Tourism & Hospitality Education (GATE) Nepal – Because I care here.